中国114就业网讯: 人们在求职面试的过程中,往往会患上面试焦虑症,害怕自己紧张的样子被面试官发现。一项最新的调查显示,导致人们在面试时紧张有多重因素,而克服紧张的最佳方式就是做好充分准备。 Fewworkplaceritualsaremore
Few workplace rituals are more suspensefulthan a job interview, but is it really a "dreaded, stressful ordeal"? Yes, says a new report that sums up the results of a survey of 1,002 employed adults by Harris Interactive and Everest College. It seems that 92% of Americans fear at least one thing, and often several, about meeting a prospective employer.
The most widespread worry: Seeming nervous (17%), followed by being overqualified (15%), being stumped by an interviewer's questions (15%), showing up late (14%), being underqualified (11%), and not being prepared (10%).
The poll turned up a few interesting differences between men and women. The most common fear among men, with 19% choosing it as their top worry, is being seen as overqualified. Women apparently are humbler (not always a good thing, in this context): Their chief fear is seeming nervous, tied at 19% with being unable to answer a specific question.
The more money you make, the less likely you are to be fazedby a job interview, the poll suggests: 22% of those whose household income is less than $50,000 said that they worry about seeming nervous on an interview; 11% of survey respondents with incomes of $100,000 had the same fear. Moreover, among the 8% minority who claim to have absolutely no qualms about job interviews, those with incomes between $75,000 and $100,000 are "more likely not to fear anything than those making between $35,000 and $50,000," the report says.
A related finding: College makes you confident. "22% of the survey participants with a high school diploma or less ranked being too nervous as their top fear, compared with just 11% of college graduates," the report notes.
Age also makes a difference, with people aged 18 to 34 more likely than older employees to say they worry about making a bad first impression -- in some cases, rightly so. John Swartz, West Coast regional director of career services for survey co-sponsor Everest College, says he hears from hiring managers that young job candidates often take phone calls and send or read texts during interviews. This doesn't necessarily make them appear nervous as much as uninterested in the process altogether, Swartz says. "The job interview is still a traditional environment, where the distractions of social media and smartphones are not appropriate."年龄也会产生影响。相比年长的受访者,18至34岁的受访者更担心留下糟糕的第一印象——不过在有些情况下,确实如此。珠峰学院西海岸地区职业指导主任约翰-斯瓦茨表示,招聘经理们曾经跟他说,年轻的求职者经常在面试中接电话和看短信。斯瓦茨认为,这倒不一定会让他们看起来显得紧张,反倒会让人觉得他们对面试过程不感兴趣。“面试依然是一个传统环境,在面试过程中为社交媒体和智能手机而分心是不恰当的做法。”
How can you conquer the job interview jitters? "Everyone is different under pressure," says Swartz. "But the best way to manage fear is simply to be prepared." Researching the company thoroughly ahead of time, doing your best to anticipate questions, and thinking up some smart questions of your own can help calm you down, he adds.
It might also help to keep in mind that, in a high-stakes situation, a mild case of sweaty palms is perfectly natural and unlikely to count against you. Every hiring manager has, after all, sat on your side of the desk, too.